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“It is a small world, isn’t it? You are on holiday in the Pyrenees. You write a postcard to a friend at home and set off to post it. Then who should you meet but that same friend coming up the street. This not only saves you the cost of a stamp but it also provides a great holiday story – enough to make you think that something spooky is going on.

Similar coincidences happen all the time to someone, somewhere, making the plot-driving inventions of Charles Dickens seem almost plausible. Normally we statisticians deal with the dark underbelly of risk – accidents, deaths, disasters, general gloom and doom – but coincidences show the bright, fun side of the way chance plays out in our lives.

We should perhaps begin by exploring what exactly is a coincidence. It has been defined as a “surprising concurrence of events, perceived as meaningfully related, with no apparent causal connection”. Earlier this year, I invited people to submit examples of surprising concurrences to my website, and looking at over 3,000 of these extraordinary stories, it seems that they tend to fall into certain categories. 

Calculating coincidences

There is some nice, fairly simple maths that allows you to work out how many people you need to have a good chance of a match for any characteristic. Suppose that any two people have a 1 in Cchance of matching – for example, for an exact birthday match, C = 365.  Then to have a 50% chance of a match in a group of N people, it turns out that N needs to be around 1.2 √C.  For a birthday match, this means that we need around 1.2 √365 = 23 people.” (from the BBC – Read more here.)

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Largest number between o and 1 million which does not contain the ‘n’ is 88


Rotation SAT Problem: Answer: 4 (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUHkTs-Ipfg)


Which number has its letters in alphabetical order? Answer: F O R T Y

Hidden Rabbit? Clue: check the trees

How long for the stadium to fill? 45 minutes.

Where are you? the North Pole

Prize Object Puzzle: If Sue does not know where the prize is in the first question, it can’t be under the square. She must have been told it is under another shape. Apply this same logic to Colin. It is then obvious that the prize cannot be under a yellow object. That helps Sue eliminate her yellow shapes. Got the idea?

Algebra Puzzle: Answer = 1

Popular Math Problems Answers: 1, 1

Number of tabs? According to Lifehacker, the ideal number of tabs you should have open is nine. Yes, a single digit. To some, this is like playing a piano and only using a fraction of the notes!

Worst Graph? Where to start. What a visual mess and even some of the lines merge and are impossible to follow. A graph is a visual display of data, with the goal to identify trends or patterns. This is a spider’s web of information which fails to show a clear pattern at all. Solution? Well, different colors would help, or why not group in two or three graphs where trends are similar?

Number of different nets to make a cube is eleven – see this link

Homework Puzzle; The total value of the counters is 486, so halve this to get 243. Now, arrange the counters to equal this amount twice.

The graph on the left (Coronavirus) is for a time period of 30 days, while the one on the right (SARS) is for 8 months! Very poor graphical comparison and hardly relevant, unless it is attempting to downplay the seriousness of the coronavirus?

10 x 9 x 8 + (7 + 6) x 5 x 4 x (3 + 2) x 1 = 2020

NCEA Level 2 Algebra Problem. Using the information given, the shaded area = 9, that is:
y(y-8) = 9 –> y.y – 8y – 9 =0
–> (y-9)(y+1) = 0, therefore y = 9 (can’t have a distance of – 1 for the other solution for y)
Using the top and bottom of the rectangle,
x = (y-8)(y+2) = (9-8)(9+2) = 11
but, the left side = (x-4) = 11-4 = 7, but rhs = y+? = 9+?, which is greater than the value of the opp. side??
[I think that the left had side was a mistake and should have read (x+4)?]


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